Patriot Boiler proudly represents these quality manufacturers in the boiler room and mechanical industry throughout Arizona.

If you would like to speak to one of our highly skilled representatives about your project, please call us today at 480-797-9349.

Premier manufacturer of fire tube boilers and Water Heaters.

Steam & Hot Water Boilers, Deaerators, Boiler Room Equipment

We are able to offer a variety of solutions to ensure that your heating and process steam needs are met today and in the future.

Burner Controls & Exhaust Gas Monitoring

High Performance Burners for Commercial, Industrial Boilers and Low NOx Applications

High Performance Burners for Maximum Efficiency in both Standard and Low NOx Configurations

Electric Condensate Pumps, Boiler Feed Units, Temperature Control Valves

Industrial & Commercial Watertube, Flex, Steam and Hot Water Boilers, Boiler Room Equipment

Exhaust Stacks, Breeching & Chimneys for Boilers and Process Applications


Condensing, Near Condensing & Atmospheric Gas Fired Boilers and Steam-To-Hot-Water Heaters

High Efficiency Condensing Fire-Tube Boilers

Wastewater Treatment Equipment, Screening & Grit Removal Systems, Digestor Systems, Heat Exchangers, & Energy Recovery

Full Condensing, Near Condensing, Non-Condensing Hot Water Boilers

Steam & Hydronic Flex-Tube Boilers, Electric & Electrode Boilers and Boiler Room Equipment

High Efficiency, High Pressure, Low Pressure Hot Water Boilers, Steam Boilers, Blow Down and Expansion Tanks

Rental Boilers & Boiler Room Equipment